--- openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: "" description: an example API version: "" servers: - url: "https://api.octusbridge.io/v1" description: production - url: "https://api-test.octusbridge.io/v1" description: test paths: /swagger.yaml: get: tags: - swagger /staking/: post: tags: - staking requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserPageStakingRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserPageStakingResponse" /staking/search/stakeholders: post: tags: - staking requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchStakeholdersRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StakeholdersTableResponse" /staking/main: get: tags: - staking responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MainPageStakingResponse" /staking/search/transactions: post: tags: - staking requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchTransactionsRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionsTableResponse" /staking/search/graph/tvl: post: tags: - staking requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphDataResponse" /staking/search/graph/apr: post: tags: - staking requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphDataResponse" /transfers/search: post: tags: - transfers summary: /transfers/search description: "Depending on the type of transfer eth->ton (evm->tvm), ton->eth (tvm->evm) or eth-eth (evm-evm), the null transfer fields will differ.\n\nFields with the prefix EthTon refer to eth->ton transfers, similar to TonEth for transfers of the type ton->eth." requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchTransfersRequest" required: true /transfers/graph/volume: post: tags: - transfers requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransfersGraphDataResponse" /transfers/main_page: get: tags: - transfers responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransfersStatResponse" /transfers/search_not_instant: post: tags: - transfers summary: /search_not_instant description: Transfers that could not close automatically get here (liquidity requests). requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchNotInstantTransfersRequest" required: true /transfers/merge_tokens_info: post: tags: - transfers summary: /merge_tokens_info description: A utility for merging the same tokens from different evm networks into tvm. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchMergeTokensInfoRequest" required: true /transfers/tokens_info: post: tags: - transfers requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ChainIds" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TokensInfoResponse" /dao/search/stakeholders: post: tags: - dao requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchDaoStakeholdersRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StakeholdersDaoTableResponse" "/dao/user/{address}": get: tags: - dao responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DaoStakeholderResponse" /relays_pages/relay_info: post: tags: - relays summary: /relay_info description: Global statistics (with every evm) on relayers. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayInfoRequest" required: true /relays_pages/relay_round_info: post: tags: - relays requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayRoundInfoRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayRoundInfoResponse" /relays_pages/all_relay_rounds_info: post: tags: - relays summary: /all_relay_rounds_info description: Relayer statistics (with every evm) by rounds. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AllRelayRoundsRequest" required: true /relays_pages/relays_round_info: post: tags: - relays summary: /relays_round_info description: Relayers statistics (with every evm) for a specific round. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelaysRoundInfoRequest" required: true /relays_pages/round_info: post: tags: - relays requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RoundInfoRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RoundInfoResponse" /relays_pages/search/relays: post: tags: - relays requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchRelaysRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayTableSearchResponse" /relays_pages/search/relays_events: post: tags: - relays requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchRelayEventsRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayEventsTableSearchResponse" /relays_pages/search/global_relays_events: post: tags: - relays requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchGlobalRelayEventsRequest" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GlobalRelayEventsTableSearchResponse" /relays_pages/rounds_calendar: post: tags: - relays summary: /rounds_calendar description: Information on time periods in rounds. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayRoundsCalendarRequest" required: true /relays_pages/relay_rounds_info: post: tags: - relays summary: /relay_rounds_info description: General information on relayers (without every evm network stat). requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayRoundsRequest" required: true /gate_prices/: post: tags: - gate_prices summary: /gate_prices description: "A route to receive prices (ETH, BNB, FMT, etc.) from the \"gate.io\" in native tvm tokens. The price is updated every 1 minute." requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GatePricesRequest" required: true components: schemas: AllRelayRoundsOrdering: type: string enum: - roundnumascending - roundnumdescending AllRelayRoundsRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset - ordering - userAddress properties: limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AllRelayRoundsOrdering" userAddress: type: string BurnCallbackInfoResponse: type: object required: - amount - burnCallbackTimestampLt - callId - chainId - createdAt - ethUserAddress - proxyAddress - userAddress properties: amount: examples: - "1.337" type: string burnCallbackTimestampLt: type: integer format: int64 callId: type: integer format: int64 chainId: type: integer format: int32 createdAt: type: integer format: int64 creditProcessorAddress: type: - string - "null" ethUserAddress: type: string proxyAddress: type: string tonEventContractAddress: type: - string - "null" userAddress: type: string BurnCallbackOrdering: type: string enum: - amountexecascending - amountexecdescending - createdatascending - createdatdescending BurnCallbackTableResponse: type: object required: - totalCount - transfers properties: totalCount: type: integer format: int64 transfers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BurnCallbackInfoResponse" ChainIdStatsResponse: type: object required: - chainId - potentialConfirmed - relayConfirmed properties: chainId: type: integer format: int32 potentialConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 relayConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 ChainIds: type: object required: - chainIds properties: chainIds: type: array items: type: integer format: int32 DaoStakeholderResponse: type: object required: - proposalVotesCount - userAddress - voteWeight - votes properties: proposalVotesCount: type: integer format: int64 userAddress: type: string voteWeight: examples: - "1.337" type: string votes: examples: - "1.337" type: string EventType: type: string enum: - deposit - withdraw - claim - freeze GatePricesRequest: type: object required: - ticker properties: ticker: type: string GlobalRelayEventsSearchResponse: type: object required: - amount - chainId - contractAddress - timestamp - tokenAddress - transferKind properties: amount: examples: - "1.337" type: string chainId: type: integer format: int32 contractAddress: type: string from: type: - string - "null" timestamp: type: integer format: int64 to: type: - string - "null" tokenAddress: type: string transferKind: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferKind" GlobalRelayEventsTableSearchResponse: type: object required: - relays - totalCount properties: relays: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GlobalRelayEventsSearchResponse" totalCount: type: integer format: int64 GraphDataResponse: type: object required: - data - timestamp properties: data: examples: - "1.337" type: string timestamp: type: integer format: int64 GraphRequest: type: object required: - from - timeframe - to properties: from: type: integer format: int64 timeframe: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Timeframe" to: type: integer format: int64 MainPageStakingResponse: type: object required: - averageApr - reward30d - reward30dChange - stakeholders - tvl - tvlChange properties: averageApr: examples: - "1.337" type: string reward30d: examples: - "1.337" type: string reward30dChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string stakeholders: type: integer format: int64 tvl: examples: - "1.337" type: string tvlChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string NotInstantTransfersOrdering: type: string enum: - volumeexecascending - volumeexecdescending - bountyascending - bountydescending - createdatascending - createdatdescending RelayEventsOrdering: type: string enum: - amountascending - amountdescending - timestampascending - timestampdescending RelayEventsSearchResponse: type: object required: - amount - chainId - contractAddress - timestamp - tokenAddress - transferKind properties: amount: examples: - "1.337" type: string chainId: type: integer format: int32 contractAddress: type: string from: type: - string - "null" timestamp: type: integer format: int64 to: type: - string - "null" tokenAddress: type: string transferKind: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferKind" RelayEventsTableSearchResponse: type: object required: - relays - totalCount properties: relays: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayEventsSearchResponse" totalCount: type: integer format: int64 RelayInfoRequest: type: object required: - relayAddress properties: relayAddress: type: string RelayRoundInfoRequest: type: object required: - relayAddress properties: relayAddress: type: string roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 RelayRoundInfoResponse: type: object required: - endTime - ethToTonUsdt - eventsConfirmed - eventsConfirmedShare - evmStats - relayAddress - roundAddress - roundNum - stake - startTime - tonToEthUsdt - totalRoundConfirms properties: endTime: type: integer format: int64 ethToTonUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string eventsConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 eventsConfirmedShare: examples: - "1.337" type: string evmStats: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ChainIdStatsResponse" relayAddress: type: string relayPlace: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 roundAddress: type: string roundNum: type: integer format: int32 stake: examples: - "1.337" type: string startTime: type: integer format: int64 tonToEthUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string totalRoundConfirms: type: integer format: int32 RelayRoundsCalendarRequest: type: object required: - fromRoundNum - toRoundNum properties: fromRoundNum: type: integer format: int32 toRoundNum: type: integer format: int32 RelayRoundsOrdering: type: string enum: - stakeascending - stakedescending - roundnumascending - roundnumdescending RelayRoundsRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayRoundsOrdering" - type: "null" roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 userAddress: type: - string - "null" RelaySearchResponse: type: object required: - createdAt - currentRound - potentialTotalConfirmed - relayAddress - relayTotalConfirmed - slashed - stake - successfulRounds - totalRounds properties: createdAt: type: integer format: int64 currentRound: type: boolean potentialTotalConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 relayAddress: type: string relayTotalConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 slashed: type: boolean stake: examples: - "1.337" type: string successfulRounds: type: integer format: int32 totalRounds: type: integer format: int32 RelayTableSearchResponse: type: object required: - relays - totalCount properties: relays: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelaySearchResponse" totalCount: type: integer format: int64 RelaysOrdering: type: string enum: - stakeascending - stakedescending - createdatascending - createdatdescending RelaysRoundInfoRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset - ordering properties: limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelaysRoundOrdering" roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 RelaysRoundOrdering: type: string enum: - stakeascending - stakedescending RoundInfoRequest: type: object properties: roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 RoundInfoResponse: type: object required: - averageRelayStake - averageRelayStakeChange - ethToTonUsdt - eventsConfirmed - evmStats - relaysCount - relaysCountChange - roundNum - tonToEthUsdt - totalStake - totalStakeChange properties: averageRelayStake: examples: - "1.337" type: string averageRelayStakeChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string ethToTonUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string eventsConfirmed: type: integer format: int32 evmStats: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ChainIdStatsResponse" relaysCount: type: integer format: int32 relaysCountChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string roundNum: type: integer format: int32 tonToEthUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string totalStake: examples: - "1.337" type: string totalStakeChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string RoundInterval: type: string enum: - default - bidding SearchBurnCallbackInfoRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: amountGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" amountLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" callId: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 chainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 createdAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 createdAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 creditProcessorAddress: type: - string - "null" ethUserAddress: type: - string - "null" limit: type: integer format: int64 offset: type: integer format: int64 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/BurnCallbackOrdering" - type: "null" proxyAddress: type: - string - "null" tonEventUserAddress: type: - string - "null" SearchDaoStakeholdersRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/StakeholdersDaoOrdering" - type: "null" SearchGlobalRelayEventsRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: amountGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" amountLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" chainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 ethUserAddress: type: - string - "null" limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayEventsOrdering" - type: "null" roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 timestampGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 timestampLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 tokenAddress: type: - string - "null" tonUserAddress: type: - string - "null" transferContractAddress: type: - string - "null" transferKind: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferKind" - type: "null" SearchMergeTokensInfoRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: canonTokenAddress: type: - string - "null" chainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 configurationAddress: type: - string - "null" isEnable: type: - boolean - "null" isOnlyMerge: type: - boolean - "null" limit: type: integer format: int32 mergePoolAddress: type: - string - "null" mergeRouterAddress: type: - string - "null" offset: type: integer format: int32 symbol: type: - string - "null" tokenAddress: type: - string - "null" SearchNotInstantTransfersRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: bountyGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" bountyLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" chainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 contractAddress: type: - string - "null" createdAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 createdAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 ethTokenAddress: type: - string - "null" evmWhiteListTokens: type: - array - "null" items: type: string limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotInstantTransfersOrdering" - type: "null" status: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/WithdrawalsStatus" - type: "null" tonTokenAddress: type: - string - "null" tvmWhiteListTokens: type: - array - "null" items: type: string userAddress: type: - string - "null" volumeExecGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" volumeExecLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" SearchRelayEventsRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: amountGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" amountLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" chainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 ethUserAddress: type: - string - "null" limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelayEventsOrdering" - type: "null" relayAddress: type: - string - "null" roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 timestampGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 timestampLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 tokenAddress: type: - string - "null" tonUserAddress: type: - string - "null" transferContractAddress: type: - string - "null" transferKind: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferKind" - type: "null" SearchRelaysRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: createdAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 createdAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelaysOrdering" - type: "null" relayAddresses: type: - array - "null" items: type: string roundInterval: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RoundInterval" - type: "null" roundNum: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 stakeGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" stakeLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" transferContractAddress: type: - string - "null" SearchStakeholdersRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: createdAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 createdAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 frozenStakeGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" frozenStakeLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" lastRewardGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" lastRewardLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/StakeholdersOrdering" - type: "null" relayCreatedAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 relayCreatedAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 stakeholderAddresses: type: - array - "null" items: type: string stakeholderKind: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserType" - type: "null" totalRewardGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" totalRewardLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" untilFrozenGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" untilFrozenLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" userBalanceGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" userBalanceLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" SearchTransactionsRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: amountGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" amountLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" limit: type: integer format: int32 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionOrdering" - type: "null" timestampBlockGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 timestampBlockLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 transactionKind: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/EventType" - type: "null" userAddress: type: - string - "null" SearchTransfersRequest: type: object required: - limit - offset properties: createdAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 createdAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 ethTokenAddress: type: - string - "null" ethTonChainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 limit: type: integer format: int32 nonce: type: - integer - "null" format: uint64 minimum: 0.0 offset: type: integer format: int32 ordering: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransfersOrdering" - type: "null" status: anyOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferStatus" - type: "null" tonEthChainId: type: - integer - "null" format: int32 tonTokenAddress: type: - string - "null" transferKinds: type: - array - "null" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransferKind" updatedAtGe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 updatedAtLe: type: - integer - "null" format: int64 userAddress: type: - string - "null" volumeExecGe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" volumeExecLe: examples: - "1.337" type: - string - "null" StakeholderResponse: type: object required: - createdAt - frozenStakeBalance - lastReward - stakeBalance - totalReward - userAddress - userType properties: createdAt: type: integer format: int64 frozenStakeBalance: examples: - "1.337" type: string lastReward: examples: - "1.337" type: string stakeBalance: examples: - "1.337" type: string totalReward: examples: - "1.337" type: string userAddress: type: string userType: type: string StakeholdersDaoOrdering: type: string enum: - voteweightascending - voteweightdescending - votesascending - votesdescending StakeholdersDaoTableResponse: type: object required: - stakeholders - totalCount properties: stakeholders: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DaoStakeholderResponse" totalCount: type: integer format: int64 StakeholdersOrdering: type: string enum: - updateatascending - updateatdescending - stakeascending - stakedescending - frozenstakeascending - frozenstakedescending - lastrewardascending - lastrewarddescending - totalrewardascending - totalrewarddescending - createdatascending - createdatdescending - relaycreatedatascending - relaycreatedatdescending - votesascending - votesdescending StakeholdersTableResponse: type: object required: - stakeholders - totalCount properties: stakeholders: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StakeholderResponse" totalCount: type: integer format: int64 Timeframe: type: string enum: - H1 - D1 TokenInfoResponse: type: object required: - address - currency - decimals - evmAddress properties: address: type: string currency: type: string decimals: type: integer format: int32 evmAddress: type: string TokensInfoResponse: type: object required: - chainIdTokens properties: chainIdTokens: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TokenInfoResponse" TransactionOrdering: type: string enum: - amountascending - amountdescending - timestampblockascending - timestampblockatdescending TransactionResponse: type: object required: - amountExec - timestampBlock - transactionHash - transactionKind - tvExec properties: amountExec: examples: - "1.337" type: string timestampBlock: type: integer format: int64 transactionHash: type: string transactionKind: type: string tvExec: examples: - "1.337" type: string TransactionsTableResponse: type: object required: - totalCount - transactions properties: totalCount: type: integer format: int64 transactions: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponse" TransferKind: type: string enum: - tontoeth - ethtoton - ethtoeth - creditethtoton - nativeethtoton - nativetontoeth - alienethtoton - alientontoeth - nativeethtoeth - alienethtoeth TransferStatus: type: string enum: - pending - rejected - confirmed TransfersGraphDataResponse: type: object required: - ethTonVolume - timestamp - tonEthVolume properties: ethTonVolume: examples: - "1.337" type: string timestamp: type: integer format: int64 tonEthVolume: examples: - "1.337" type: string TransfersOrdering: type: string enum: - tonethvolumeexecascending - tonethvolumeexecdescending - ethtonvolumeexecascending - ethtonvolumeexecdescending - updateatascending - updateatdescending - createdatascending - createdatdescending TransfersStatResponse: type: object required: - fromEverscaleUsdt - toEverscaleUsdt - volume24hUsdt - volume24hUsdtChange - volume7dUsdt - volume7dUsdtChange properties: fromEverscaleUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string toEverscaleUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string volume24hUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string volume24hUsdtChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string volume7dUsdt: examples: - "1.337" type: string volume7dUsdtChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string UserPageStakingRequest: type: object required: - userAddress properties: userAddress: type: string UserPageStakingResponse: type: object required: - averageApr - user30dReward - user30dRewardChange - userFrozenStake - userTvl - userTvlChange properties: averageApr: examples: - "1.337" type: string user30dReward: examples: - "1.337" type: string user30dRewardChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string userFrozenStake: examples: - "1.337" type: string userTvl: examples: - "1.337" type: string userTvlChange: examples: - "1.337" type: string UserType: type: string enum: - ordinary - relay WithdrawalsStatus: type: string enum: - Open - Close